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控制Tourette's Disorder的抽搐和发声
通过口服或肠胃外途径给予通常最大人体剂量氟哌啶醇2至20倍的啮齿动物显示吸收发生率增加,生育力降低,分娩延迟和幼仔死亡率增加。 在该范围内的剂量下,在大鼠,兔或狗中没有报道致畸作用,但在给予通常最大人剂量的15倍的小鼠中观察到了腭裂。 小鼠的腭裂似乎是对压力或营养不平衡以及各种药物的非特异性反应,并且没有证据表明这种现象与大多数这些药物的可预测的人类风险有关。
在孕妇中没有使用HALDOL(氟哌啶醇)的良好对照研究。 然而,有报道称,在母亲使用HALDOL以及怀孕前三个月怀疑有致畸潜力的其他药物后,观察到肢体畸形的病例。 在这些案例中没有建立因果关系。 由于这种经验不排除由于HALDOL导致胎儿受损的可能性,因此该药物应该在怀孕期间或在可能怀孕的女性中使用,只有在该益处明确证明对胎儿有潜在风险的情况下。 在药物治疗期间不应对婴儿进行护理。
HALDOL (haloperidol) is indicated for use in the treatment of schizophrenia.
HALDOL is indicated for the control of tics and vocal utterances of Tourette's Disorder.
HALDOL (haloperidol) is contraindicated in severe toxic central nervous system depression or comatose states from any cause and in individuals who are hypersensitive to this drug or have Parkinson's disease
【Usage in Pregnancy】
Rodents given 2 to 20 times the usual maximum human dose of haloperidol by oral or parenteral routes showed an increase in incidence of resorption, reduced fertility, delayed delivery and pup mortality. No teratogenic effect has been reported in rats, rabbits or dogs at dosages within this range, but cleft palate has been observed in mice given 15 times the usual maximum human dose. Cleft palate in mice appears to be a nonspecific response to stress or nutritional imbalance as well as to a variety of drugs, and there is no evidence to relate this phenomenon to predictable human risk for most of these agents.
There are no well controlled studies with HALDOL (haloperidol) in pregnant women. There are reports, however, of cases of limb malformations observed following maternal use of HALDOL along with other drugs which have suspected teratogenic potential during the first trimester of pregnancy. Causal relationships were not established in these cases. Since such experience does not exclude the possibility of fetal damage due to HALDOL, this drug should be used during pregnancy or in women likely to become pregnant only if the benefit clearly justifies a potential risk to the fetus. Infants should not be nursed during drug treatment.
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