--------------------------------------------------------------- 详细处方信息以本药内容附件PDF文件(20191713241432.pdf)的“原文Priscribing Information”为准 --------------------------------------------------------------- 部分中文度拉糖肽处方资料(仅供参考)
礼来每周一次即用型糖尿病注射药物Trulicity获欧盟欧盟委员会已授予Trulicity(dulaglutide) 注射剂在欧洲市场的上市许可。Trulicity 是每周一次注射给药的胰高血糖素样肽-1(GLP-1)受体激动剂,用于改善成人2型糖尿病患者的血糖控制水平。通过注射笔给药,并配有预装的、不可见的注射针头。Trulicity 于2014年9月25日获得人用医疗产品委员会(CHMP)的好评推荐。“Trulicity 在欧盟的获批是礼来全球糖尿病项目的又一个意义重大的里程碑。”礼来糖尿病国际事业部副总裁 Jeremy Morgan 表示:“糖尿病仍是各地区卫生保健系统的一大负担,我们期待能够帮助更多2型糖尿病患者达到治疗目标。”
Trulicity 1.5mg剂量(每周一次)推荐用于 Trulicity 及其他降糖药的联合疗法;Trulicity 0.75mg剂量(每周一次)推荐用作单药疗法,同时可用作某些脆弱群体(包括75岁及以上群体)的起始治疗剂量。
6大临床试验中,前5个试验结果显示,Trulicity 1.5mg在降低血糖(糖化血红蛋白)方面优于安慰剂和4个常用的2型糖尿病治疗药物。Trulicity 0.75mg 在其中一个临床试验中与其他药物相比,糖化血红蛋白变化相类似,但在剩余另4个试验中优效于对照药物。
在第6个大型临床试验中,Trulicity 1.5mg 与另一常用的、每日一次给药的 GLP-1 受体激动剂的最高获批剂量相比,在降低糖化血红蛋白方面的表现相类似。
Trulicity 最常见的不良反应与胃肠道相关。此外,当与餐时胰岛素或与二甲双胍及格列美脲联合使用时,曾出现低血糖症状。这些不良反应与其他 GLP-1 受体激动剂类药物相一致。
Trulicity 于2014年9月18日获得美国食品和药品管理局的批准,另外数个药监申请正在进行中。Trulicity 将于2015年在欧洲上市。
Trulicity含有一种叫做dulaglutide的活性物质,用于降低2型糖尿病患者的血糖(葡萄糖)。2型糖尿病是指您的身体没有产生足够的胰岛素,而您的身体产生的胰岛素效果不佳的情况。 你的身体也会产生过多的糖分。 当发生这种情况时,糖(葡萄糖)会在血液中积聚。
- 如果您的血糖不能通过饮食和运动单独控制,而且您自己也是如此不能服用二甲双胍(另一种糖尿病药)。
- 当他们不足以控制血糖时,或与其他糖尿病药物一起使用
水平。 这些其他药物可以是通过注射给予的口服药物和/或胰岛素。
当与其他药物一起用于糖尿病时,推荐剂量为每周1.5毫克。在某些情况下,例如,如果您是75岁或以上,您的医生可能会建议每周一次0.75 mg的起始剂量。
每支笔含有一周一剂的Trulicity(0.75 mg或1.5 mg)。每支笔仅提供一剂。
存放在冰箱中(2°C - 8°C)。 不要冻结。
不要通过废水或生活垃圾丢弃任何药物。 问你的药剂师如何丢弃你不再使用的药物。 这些措施将有助于保护环境。
【What Trulicity is and what it is used for】
Trulicity contains an active substance called dulaglutide and is used to lower blood sugar (glucose) in adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Type 2 diabetes is a condition in which your body does not make enough insulin, and the insulin that your body produces does not work as well as it should. Your body can also make too much sugar. When this happens, sugar (glucose) builds up in the blood.
Trulicity is used:
- on its own if your blood sugar is not properly controlled by diet and exercise alone, and you
can’t take metformin (another diabetes medicine).
- or with other medicines for diabetes when they are not enough to control your blood sugar
levels. These other medicines may be medicines taken by mouth and/or insulin given by injection.
It is important to continue to follow the advice on diet and exercise given to you by your doctor, pharmacist or nurse.
【How to use Trulicity】
Always use this medicine exactly as your doctor or pharmacist has told you. Check with your doctor or pharmacist if you are not sure how to use this medicine.
When used alone, the recommended dose is 0.75 mg once a week.
When used with other medicines for diabetes, the recommended dose is 1.5 mg once a week. In certain situations, for example if you are 75 years or older, your doctor may recommend a starting dose of 0.75 mg once a week.
Each pen contains one weekly dose of Trulicity (0.75 mg or 1.5 mg). Each pen delivers only one dose.
You can use your Trulicity at any time of the day, with or without meals. You should use it on the same day each week if you can. To help you remember, you may wish to tick the day of the week when you inject your first dose on the box that your Trulicity comes in, or on a calendar.
Trulicity is injected under the skin (subcutaneous injection) of your stomach area (abdomen) or upper leg (thigh). If the injection is given by someone else, they may inject in your upper arm.
If you want to do so, you can use the same area of your body each week. But be sure to choose a different injection site within that area.
It is important that you test your blood glucose levels as instructed by your doctor, pharmacist or nurse, if you are taking Trulicity with a sulphonylurea or insulin.
【Reporting of side effects】
If you get any side effects, talk to your doctor, pharmacist or nurse. This includes any possible side effects not listed in this leaflet. You can also report side effects directly via the national reporting system listed in Appendix V. By reporting side effects, you can help provide more information on the safety of this medicine.
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