--------------------------------------------------------------- 详细处方信息以本药内容附件PDF文件(201142101372328.pdf)的“原文Priscribing Information”为准 --------------------------------------------------------------- 部分中文弗迪处方资料(仅供参考)
弗迪(复方噻吗洛尔滴眼液/Fotil) 【药品名称】 药品名(中):复方噻吗洛尔滴眼液 汉语拼音:Fufangsaimaluo‘er Diyanye 英文名:Compound Timolol Eye Drops 剂型:滴眼剂
【主要成份】 马来酸噻吗洛尔5mg、盐酸毛果芸香碱20mg/ml另含添加物苯扎氯铵、一水合枸橼酸、枸橼酸钠、羟丙甲纤维素。
【药理毒性】 噻吗洛尔使房水减少,延长了眼内房水循环时间,从而使毛果芸得碱在眼内的滞留时间延长。其结果,毛果芸香碱的疗效(房水流出促进效果)得到提高,临床上每天给青光眼患者分别用0.5%噻吗洛尔早晚2次+4%毛果芸香碱早中晚3次,共滴眼5次和同成分的混合剂早晚滴眼2次,分别在滴眼前及连续滴眼第28天的8:30AM、1:30PM、4:30PM测定眼压。平均眼压下降值证明了两者的临床效果几乎相同。
【药代动力学】 用弗迪对35名青光眼及高眼压症患者进行1天2次(7:00AM?7:00PM)连续10周滴眼,在8:00AM、12:00AM、4:00PM测定眼压,其结果证明了弗迪不仅有效地降低和稳定了眼压,长期使用还可维持下降后眼压的稳定。
【适应症】 青光眼及高眼压症。
【用法用量】 成人每日2次,1次1滴滴眼,本剂不得用于小儿产品 特点:特点1用弗迪1天2次(早晚)滴眼,即可有效地降低眼压并发挥维持眼压稳定的效果。特点2即抑止房水产生,又促进房水流出。两种主要成分相加作用降压十分理想。特点3使用方便、合二为一的制剂。开发经纬:治疗青光眼时,噻吗洛尔等β受体阻滞剂为最常用药,但约有30%的病人附加治疗才能达到预期的降压效果,其中合并使用毛果芸香碱的治疗效果得到了公认。
【不良反应】 可引起轻微的眼部刺激感,瞳孔缩小,年轻患者往往出现一时性的近视和暗视力下降。偶尔会引起心率降低和血压下降。偶尔也会引起结膜充血、嗜睡和头痛。极少数的病人可能出现可逆性的眼干、点状角膜损伤、轻度的结膜炎和眼睑炎。另外,可能会使支气管痉挛、心律不齐和头昏加重。对本剂成分过敏的患者可再现皮疹。如发生连续、严重或其他在此未提及的过敏时请及时到医院就诊。
【注意事项】 心功能不全、心率过缓或房室外传导阻滞、哮喘或重度阻塞性肺疾患、急性虹膜炎、角膜损伤以及对本剂成分有过敏史的患者禁用。本剂不得用于小儿。用药时可能会出现近视、黑暗处视物不清。请注意在滴眼2小时以内不要驾驶车辆。本剂中的防腐剂苯扎氯铵可能会在软型隐形眼镜上产生沉淀物,故在滴眼时应摘下隐形眼镜,滴眼15分钟后再装用。本剂含有β-受体阻断剂,可能掩盖因糖尿病低血糖引起的症状。妊娠及哺乳期使用时,只有在判断对母体治疗的有益性高于对胎儿及婴儿的危险性时,才可使用本剂。只有在医认为有必要的情况下,才可以和钙通道阻断剂以及β-肾上腺能阻断剂合并使用。每次滴眼时,每眼应不超过2滴。 运动员慎用。
【药物过量】 过量用药可引起心率过缓、低血压、嗜睡和头昏。
【副作用】 可引起轻微的眼部刺激感,瞳孔缩小,年轻患者往往出现一时性的近视和暗视力下降。偶尔会引起心率降低和血压下降。偶尔也会引起结膜充血、嗜睡和头痛。极少数的病人可能出现可逆性的眼干、点状角膜损伤、轻度的结膜炎和眼睑炎。另外,可能会使支气管痉挛、心律不齐和头昏加重。对本剂成分过敏的患者可再现皮疹。如发生连续、严重或其他在此未提及的过敏时请及时到医院就诊。
【贮存·有效期】 于2~15°C温度内贮存。避光。开封后应在1个月内使用。本剂在开封以后可以在室温(25°C)下保存。不要放置于儿童可接触处。 有效期限3年。
Fotil Timolol 0.5% and Pilocarpine 2% fixed combination. Fotil is used for the treatment of several types of glaucoma to lower intraocular pressure after ophthalmic surgery, to treat glaucoma after cataract surgery and to lower elevated intraocular pressure in patients for whom monotherapy is not sufficient.
Pharmaceutical active ingredients containing related brand and generic drugs, medications or other health care products: Pilocarpine Hydrochloride Timolol Maleate
Fotil available forms, composition, doses: Solution; Ophthalmic; Pilocarpine Hydrochloride 2%; Timolol Maleate 0.5% Solution; Ophthalmic; Pilocarpine Hydrochloride 4%; Timolol Maleate 0.5%
Fotil destination | category: Human: Beta-Adrenergic Agents Miotics
Indications and usages, anatomical therapeutic chemical and diseases classification codes: S01ED51 - Timolol, combinations
Pharmaceutical companies, researchers, developers, manufacturers, distributors and suppliers: Novartis Amvis Croma Pharma Greater Pharma Llogo C & C Oui Heng Import Santen Pharmaceutical
Active Ingredients: * pilocarpine and timolol
Therapeutic actions: Fotil eye drops contain two active ingredients pilocarpine and timolol. Pilocarpine is a cholinergic compound that stimulates m-cholinereceptors. Pilocarpine causes miosis and spasm of accommodation, decreases intraocular pressure. Timolol belongs to a group of medications called beta-adrenoblockers. It works by blocking beta receptors and prevents vasoconstrictive effects of catecholamines.
Indications: Fotil is indicated for the following conditions: * Open and Closed-angle glaucoma * Increased intraocular pressure * Glaucoma in aphacia * Secondary glaucoma
Contraindications and cautions: Fotil should not be taken in: * Hypersensitivity to any of the medication ingredients * Acute iritis * Bradycardia * AV-block of II and III degree * Heart failure * Cardiogenic shock * Bronchial asthma * Severe form of chronic pulmonary obstructive disease Fotil should be used with caution in: cerebrovascular disorders, diabetes, thyroid problems, before any surgical interventions You should regularly control your intraocular pressure while the treatment with Fotil Consult your doctor if you wear contact lenses
Adverse effects: There are possible side-effects associated with this medicine that can affect individuals in different ways. If a side effect is stated here, that does not necessarily mean the fact that all people using Fotil will experience it or any other. Fotil side effects: Eyes: itching and eye pain, increased lacrymation, redness of the conjunctiva In rare cases Fotil may cause systemic side effects such as: nausea, diarrhea, sweating, increased salivation, drop in blood pressure, hallucination, agitation, headache, depression, dermatological reactions, nasal congestion. The side effects listed above may not include all of the side effects reported by the drug's manufacturer. For more information about any other possible risks associated with Fotil, please read the information provided with Fotil or consult your doctor or pharmacist.
Interactions: It is important to tell your doctor or pharmacist what medicines you are already taking, including those bought without a prescription and herbal medicines, before you start treatment with Fotil. Similarly, check with your doctor or pharmacist before taking any new medication while taking this one, to ensure that the combination is safe. Hypertension preparations including beta-blockers, reserpine, clonidine * Cholinergic agents * CYP 2D6 inhibitors * Cardiac glycosides * Catecholamine
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2011-4-21更新 |